We are open: Mon - Fri : 9 am to 5 pm


for services related to Document Legalization by the Embassy of Italy in Colombo

At Forsiter, we take pride in our role as the trusted partner of the Embassy of Italy in Colombo. Our dedicated responsibilities include streamlining and enhancing various crucial tasks that facilitate seamless interactions between the Embassy and the public.


Special Notice

PLEASE NOTE: in the case of family re-union visa applicants, if the process of legalisation of the relevant civil status documents has not yet been completed when the six-month period of validity of the Nulla Osta is approaching, please note that it is always possible to request and obtain an appointment for the submission of the visa application through the VFS online portal.
On the day of the actual submission of the application (which must in any case take place within the validity period of the Nulla Osta), it will be sufficient to submit a copy of the FORSITER receipt proving that the legalisation process has been started, thus enabling the Embassy to interrupt the expiry of the Nulla Osta, pending the completion of the checks on the civil status documentation. On the other hand, applications submitted after the time limit for the validity of the nulla osta will be subject to a notice of denial and refusal.

Avviso speciale

NOTA BENE: in caso di ricongiungimento familiare, laddove il processo di legalizzazione dei documenti di stato civile rilevanti non sia stato ancora ultimato all’approssimarsi dei termini semestrali di validita’ del nulla osta, si ricorda che e’ sempre possibile richiedere e ottenere un appuntamento per la presentazione della domanda di visto tramite il portale online di VFS.
Il giorno della presentazione effettiva della domanda (che deve comunque avvenire entro i termini di validita’ del nulla osta) sara’ sufficiente presentare copia della ricevuta di FORSITER che provi l’avvenuto avvio del processo di legalizzazione, permettendo cosi’ all’Ambasciata di interrompere i termini di decorrenza della validita’ del nulla osta, in attesa del completamento delle verifiche sulla documentazione di stato civile. Domande presentate oltre i termini di validita’ del nulla osta andranno invece incontro a preavviso di diniego e diniego.

Efficient Queue and Appointment Management

Forsiter has been entrusted by the Embassy with the pivotal responsibility of managing queues and appointments for Translation and Verification process and Legalization process. With transparent and secure mechanisms, Forsiter is able to manage queues and appointment slots in a fair and professional manner.

From Documentation Reception to Digital Transformation

Our Application Submission Center, located at Castle Street in Colombo 8, serves as the hub where all documentation is received. Forsiter's advanced digitization procedures ensure that each application is meticulously transformed into a digital format, setting the stage for the subsequent phases of the translation, verification and legalization procedures.

Integrated Distribution and Standardization

Forsiter plays a pivotal role in ensuring that every application reaches the appropriate parties involved in the legalization process for all required formalities of Translation and Verification. Additionally, our expert team handles the standardization of English and Italian translations of documentation to be legalized.

Completing the Circle

Once all formalities are completed, through our QR code provided on our document submission request, applicants are able to track the status and submit the Legalization Request to the Embassy of Italy. With a deep understanding of the process and a commitment to timeliness, we manage the application courier process, ensuring that your legalized documents are dispatched promptly back to the applicants.

Instruction - English V9

Procedure and Intructions


Instructions on the Procedure for Requesting Translation and Verification of Authenticity


Servizio Di Traduzione e Verifica


Istruzioni Sulla Procedura Per Richiedere La Tranduzione E Verifica Di Autenticita


Service Request


Translation and Verification (Service Request Form)